About the book

Author: Dickner, Nicolas, 1972-

Title: Six degrés de liberté

Publication: Québec (Québec) : Alto, 2015. ISBN 9782896942183.

DAISY audio format narrated by an anonymous narrator. CELA library call number DA98488. 380 pages in the paper edition; 8 hrs., 40 mins. as a recorded book.

À propos

Il s’agit d’une histoire très moderne qui se déroule au Québec pour la plupart mais aussi en Europe. Il est écrit en français.

Un gars un brin agoraphobe et une fille très adepte se lient d’amitié jeune et grandissent ensemble jusqu’à ce qu’il déménage en Europe. C’est une vie intéressante, où ils s’affairent en projetant une caméra dans le ciel, en réparant une vielle maison, et en allant à l’école (ou non).

Ensemble, mais séparés par des milliers de kilomètres, ils entreprennent un voyage ludique : en contenant de transport, caché des yeux officiels. Hormis un gendarme obsédé…

ENGLISH: Six degrees of freedom

Published in English as Six degrees of freedom by Knopf Canada, in 2017. Translated by Lazer Lederhendler.

This is a very modern story, set in Quebec and Europe. It is originally written in French.

It’s the story of an agoraphobic boy and a very tech savvy girl, who grow up into very capable adults. The story of how they grew up, and the choices they made make for very compelling reading.

They do typical kid things, like launch a rocket with a camera attached, coming to the attention of the Mounties. One become a hacker, the other an entrepreneurial magnate.

Together yet half a world apart, they undertake a daring feat: to journey incognito and undetected around the world in a customised, web-enabled container. Unbeknownst to them, a slightly obsessed RCMP officer is hot on their very faint trail.

The French-language books recorded by the CELA library don’t always name who the narrator is, and that is the case with this book. It was read by a man with a very nice, albeit slow, voice. I must confess I sped him up a tad.
