About the book

Author: Warren, Dianne, 1950-

Title: Cool water by Dianne Warren

Publication: Toronto : HarperCollins Canada, 2009. ISBN 9781554685585.

DAISY audio format narrated by Kathleen Miller. CELA library call number DA38309. 328 pages in the paper edition; 9 hrs., 50 mins. as a recorded book.

About the story

Set in the small town of Juliet, Saskatchewan, this book is a series of short stories that, together, build a multi-dimensional picture of the town’s inhabitants.

It starts out with an epic long-distance race between two cowboys a hundred or more years ago. Most of the stories are set in the modern era, but the past does creep in — linked by memory, relationships and places. They are stories of love, loss, happiness, sadness, teenaged angst and despair. There are horses, camels, exploding rocks and a silver tea service.

It’s not a fast-moving story, it sort of meanders around like a brook. Characters appear and wander off, unrelated stories follow one another until the author’s portraits have depth, breadth and complexity.

Kathleen Miller, who reads the stories, lets the book’s leisurely rhythm guide her. She does a really good job. I didn’t know what to expect, but I enjoyed the book more the longer I listened.

This book won the Governor General’s award for fiction in 2010.

A slow read for both lovers of short stories and of longer fiction, provided they are not put off by rapid changes of scenery and character.