About the book

Author: Juby, Susan (1969-)

Title: The Woefield poultry collective. Publication: New York : HarperCollins Canada, 2011. ISBN 9781554687442. DAISY audio format narrated by Jennifer Coffey. CELA library call number DA39138. 306 pages; 9hrs., 13mins. as a recorded book.

Title: Republic of Dirt: a return to Woefield Farm. Publication: Toronto : HarperAvenue 2015. ISBN 9781443423960. DAISY audio format narrated by Taina Makinen and Henry LaCroix. CELA library call number DA52124.336 pages; 10 hrs., 40 mins. as a recorded book.

About the story

I first encountered the delightful writing of Susan Juby in her wonderfully funny Alice series, which begin with Alice, I think, and follows the adventures of teenaged Alice MacLeod. If you are not familiar with this series, do add it to your list. While considered a “Teen” (YA) series and, of course, very appropriately so, I think everyone can identify with Alice. And the books are terribly funny. Poor Alice!

Her new series, Woefield Farm, does contain strong language and more grown-up (read sexual) situations, so you might not recommend it for a younger teen. But, hilarious!

A New York City girl with an impossibly optimistic nature inherits a run-down farm in BC, a taciturn “hired hand”, and a woebegone sheep. A young poultry fancier and reclusive, alcoholic blogger join the party.

The narration is handled by each character in turn: each one has a distinctive voice and a completely different perspective on the story.

Juby’s construction of humourous situations is masterful, and the narrative voices are unforgettable. The two CELA narrators, Taina Makinen and Henry LaCroix, work together to tell the story with well-developed and distinctive voices. It’s a pure pleasure to listen to!

The first book in the series, The Woefield poultry collective, came out in 2011. The second, Republic of dirt, won the 2016 Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour, awarded each year to the Canadian writer of the best book of humour. It came out in the CELA library about a month or so ago (I’d been watching for it!).

Highly recommended. A real giggle.