About the book

Author: Collins, Courtney.

Title: The untold

Publication: New York : Amy Einhorn Books, Published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons, a member of Penguin Group (USA), 2014. ISBN 9780399167096.

DAISY audio format narrated by the author. CELA library call number DA49956. 288 pages in the paper edition; 6 hrs., 56 mins. as a recorded book.

About the story

Based on the true story of Elizabeth Jessie Hickman, a woman who rustled cattle and escaped a brutal life, fleeing into the wilderness. It’s a beautiful and moving book.

Set in the Australian bush in 1921, Jessie’s story is told omnisciently by her dead child who, with great compassion, tells us the story of what happened to her mother before, during, and after her birth. In this novel, time is fluid thing, as the narrator moves from recent events and recounts what happens next, but also flashes back to Jessie’s childhood and adolescence. Hers is a harsh life, and this novel does contain graphic descriptions of violence that can be disturbing to some readers.

It’s a harsh yet compelling story of adventure, misfortune and endurance. There is love, but mostly there is death.

I didn’t know what to expect from this book, and I was wonderfully surprised and moved by the tale and by Collins’ skill at writing. Knowing little about life in early 20th century Australia, I also came away feeling like I learned something, and admiring the strength of the characters. Collins reads the story wonderfully.

That oft-used phrase “stunning debut novel” really does seem to apply in this case!

Recommended, with caveats for violence.