About the book

Author: Dennis, Darrell (Darrell Michael).

Title: Peace pipe dreams : The truth about lies about Indians.

Publication: Madeira Park, British Columbia : Douglas & McIntyre, 2014. ISBN 9781771000406.

DAISY audio format narrated by Bruce McLeod. CELA library call number DA50486. 240 pages in the paper edition; 9 hrs., 8 mins. as a recorded book.

About the story

Everyone should read this book.

Winner of First Nation Communities Read 2015-2016, Shushwap writer Darrel Dennis starts out with some “myth-busting”, humourously debunking some popularly-held mainstream stereotypes about indigenous people in Canada: drunken Indians, lazy Indians, no taxes, free schooling and housing, that they get a free ride… there are so very many. He explores the reality behind the myth, and how the myth itself harms indigenous and First Nations people.

He goes on look at the history of the native peoples in North America: from valued allies to equal signatories of treaties, from the 1763 Proclamation to the modern-day Indian Act, from residential schools to the lack of quality health care and clean drinking water, to the suicide epidemic. He looks at how racist legislation criminialised native cultures and religions, excluded the people from white society, and ultimately aimed at eliminating them altogether. Indigenous peoples were then blamed for not integrating into the mainstream. He looks at land title and the land-use rights guaranteed by treaties – which still apply, despite the government’s dragging of heels.

It’s a history of discrimination and bigotry, its a history of resilience and strength. It’s our shared history.

It’s not history. It’s still happening.

Bruce McLeod, the narrator, is excellent! He gets the nuances and emphasis just right: the humour, the timing, the asides. I really swore it was the author himself reading it. Amazing. Well done, Mr. McLeod! This is a thing you do well.

Highly recommended.