About the book

Author: Pancol, Katherine, 1954-

Title: Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles : roman

Publication: Paris : Albin Michel, 2006. ISBN 9782226169983.

DAISY audio format narrated by Anne Cartier. CELA library call number DA97648. 651 pages in the print edition; 18 hrs., 10 mins. as a recorded book.

About the story

This book is also available in English under the title The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles, although not through the CELA library. I read it in French.

I loved this book! I downloaded it because I found the title intriguing, and ended up finding an author I will seek out more often.

I found the main character very easy to relate to, and admired her hard work and stick-to-it-ive-ness (if that is a word, when written). All the characters developed throughout the novel and, as a reader, I either pulled for them or wanted to shake them, hard. Very engaging, this book.

The story follows a woman whose marriage is dissolving, looking at her relationships with herself, her mother and sister, her ex, her children, her best friend, and other people in her life. She goes through the stages of grief, and balances her self-doubt with her need to support her family. She meets many trials head-on and more than survives. She finds that she has hidden reserves of talent and strength, and learns to question the superficial success of others. There are complex family dynamics, and several distinct yet intertwining storylines.

The French is clear and straightforward, easy to read (and listen to), although there are some France-French jargon and expressions. I enjoyed the book, Anne Cartier, the narrator, read in a way that suited the text well. I would have preferred a Canadian reader, but this book is set in France, so it works.

I think this would be an excellent choice for a book club read, although at 651 pages, it may be a bit long for that. For an 18-hour book, I thought it just flew by!